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Progress in Peru

SDVSome years ago, some accusations of psychological, physical and sexual abuse of adolescents in the religious group of SODALICIO DE VIDA CRISTIANA (SVC) in the Catholic Church were raised. The book of the journalists Pedro Salinas and Rocio Santiesteban (“Mitad monjes, mitad soldados” – “Half monk, half soldiers”), drew the attention of the media. It included 30 testimonies of victims of Luis Fernando Figari, the Founder, and of other high-level members of the group.  Finally, a good sign: Alessandro Moroni Llabrés, current General superior of SVC, announced the acceptance of the facts by video message. This was published by the most important newspaper of the country (click here).

In the video, the current General superior of SVC states that they find their founder, L. F. Figari, guilty of the accusations and that they morally condemn him for what happened. The message is divided in three main points:

  1. Asking for forgiveness to the victims of all kind of abuse, to those who denounced and were not heard, and for all the time that passed before they had an answer.
  2. Dismissal of their Founder, who is declared “persona non grata”. They have asked the Pope to separate him from their group and put him away of their house in Rome. L. F. Figari is living there under retreat since 2010.
  3. Restructuring the movement.

Five months ago, L. F. Figari and the movement were accused in front of the court of Lima and the trial it is still going on.

Cf. also the website of the Peruvian Bishops’ Conference.

 Br. Victor Hugo Merino Conde

CCP Diploma Student