A Sincere Thank You to Our Scientific Advisory Board Members
On 14 June, 2021 the CCP's Scientific Advisory Board, which has accompanied and guided our academic endeavors over the past ten years, had its last meeting before the Centre becomes an Institute. Fr. Nuno da Silva Gonçalves, Rector of the Gregorian, expressed his gratitude to the current board members, Msgr. Stephen Rossetti, Dr. Sheila the Baroness Hollins, Dr. Delphine Collin-Vézina, and Dr. Gabriel Dy-Liacco, for their dedicated work.
In response to the new developments of the CCP as an Institute of Anthropology, a Consultative Committee will be set up. The current and past board members have set a precedent for the level of academic expertise of materials used for the licentiate and diploma courses, as well as the blended learning program.
Fr. Hans Zollner, the Centre's President had these remarks to share on this change: "As we move on to a new structure, the Scientific Advisory Board has concluded its ten years of work. We were privileged to be able to work with some highly renowned experts from various disciplines, and we are deeply grateful for their expertise, the substantive discussions, and vital accompaniment which challenged us in our work. Moreover, we have been impressed by their commitment to safeguarding and to our mission, and we hope that we will find ways to continue collaborating with the board members in different ways in the future.”