A note from Dr. Katharina A. Fuchs on her new position
Some personal news…
I would like to share that last summer I have taken the decision to leave the CCP at the end of the winter term and to devote myself completely to the Institute of Psychology of the Pontifical Gregorian University, where the CCP was located until August 2019. Being therefore part of the academic staff of the Institute since autumn 2012, my transition means leaving and staying at same time. Over the past seven and a half years serving the CCP in teaching, conferences, research, and development, I have had the chance and honor of collaborating in various interesting and noteworthy projects, but also of meeting and working with many wonderful people committed to safeguarding! I thank them for their collaboration, encouragement, and trust! After researching and working in the field of prevention of abuse for over ten years, it will continue to be a matter close to my heart and a part of my scientific interest. My new position at the Institute of Psychology will offer me many opportunities for my teaching and research and will allow me to focus more strongly on mental, emotional, psychosocial and psycho-spiritual aspects.
For more information and contact details, please visit: https://www.unigre.it/en/professors/card/?&id=1807