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WePROTECT, leader in fighting online child sexual abuse, partners for #ChildDignity Congress

The final countdown begins!

In these days leading up to our global congress, we would like to focus attention on the organizations and speakers who are making it possible. The more we know about each other before the congress starts, the better we can collaborate with each other!

The CCP is proud to partner with the WeProtect Global Alliance, an organization begun by members of the UK government. From the outset, WeProtect has connected experts from NGOs and technology companies, diplomats and government leaders, in order to focus attention on ending the online sexual exploitation of children.

WeProtect works to motivate and equip governments and leaders in communications technology as well as people in other influential sectors. They seek to counter the crimes against children made possible by the “borderless” and open character of the digital realm by moving leaders of countries to take responsibility for what is in their control. The 44-page document “Preventing and Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (CSEA): A Model National Response” clearly outlines their approach. This important document, along with others, can be found on their “Our Commitments” webpage.

We invite our safeguarding colleagues to visit WeProtect’s website in view of our upcoming event, and we look forward to seeing you online or in person at the Child Dignity in the Digital World congress!