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Prof. Dr. David Finkelhor and Dr. Michael Seto to speak at #ChildDignity congress

As we draw near to the "Child Dignity in the Digital World" congress, we continue to highlight the organizations and speakers whose experience give the event a capacity for impact. One of these persons is certainly Prof. Dr. David Finkelhor. Considered a founding father of the field of "victimology" for child sexual abuse, he has studied sexual violence against children for 40 years. (He also has an engaging presentation style, as evidenced by his sung tribute to Murray Strauss.) Juxtaposed to the science of victims, congress participant Dr. Michael Seto brings his scholarship on perpetrators. He is an expert on the link between Internet Pornography and Sexual Offending.

We present a brief biography of each congress speaker and welcome the questions that participants--either digitally present or physically present--would like to put to the speakers! We encourage dialogue on the Centre for Child Protection's Facebook page, where the #ChildDignity hashtag will bring up all the news concerning the event.

Dr. Finkelhor is the Director of the Crimes against Children Research Center, Co-Director of the Family Research Laboratory, and Professor of Sociology at the University of New Hampshire. Among others, he has been studying the problems of child victimization since 1977. He is the editor and author of 11 books and more than 150 journal articles and book chapters, and has received grants from the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, and others.

Dr. Seto is the Director of The Royal‘s Institute of Mental Health Research’s Forensic Research Unit, as well as Forensic Rehabilitation Research in the Integrated Forensic Program of the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group. He has presented and written extensively about pedophilia, online offending, sexual offending, and mentally disordered offenders. At the Congress, he will speak about child sexual exploitation and abuse online, with a focus on the offenders.