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Prof Demasure and Fr Patrick Degrieck at the Interdiocesan commission for the protection of Children, Brussels, Belgium

[caption id="attachment_3993" align="alignright" width="300"]9 March Dem Msgr Cosijns, Msgr Harpigny, Card. De Kesel, Msgr BonnDy From left: Msgr Cosijns, Msgr Harpigny, Card. De Kesel, Msgr Bonny[/caption]

In 2012 the Belgian Bishops Conference established the Interdiocesan commission for the Protection of Children.

This interdisciplinary workgroup considers possible actions for prevention and care in cases of sexual abuse in the Church. It includes representatives from dioceses, Catholic Education, victims assistance groups and Catholic Youth Movements.



[caption id="attachment_3996" align="alignleft" width="199"]Demasure_web-199x300 Prof. Karlijn Demasure, CCP Executive Director[/caption]

On Monday, 9 March, in the presence of Msgr Bonny, Msgr Harpigny and Msgr Cosijns, Prof. Demasure presented the CCP activities and Patrick Degrieck as a former Diploma student presented a paper on ‘secondary victims’, a topic that has not yet been addressed in the Church in Belgium.

[caption id="attachment_4004" align="alignright" width="261"]p. degrieck Fr. Patrick Degrieck[/caption]