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Iraq: children abducted and recruited into armed groups/Irak: menores secuestrados y obligados a ser niños soldado

"From UNICEF, a new report states that one out of five children in Iraq are at risk of injury, abduction, and recruitment into armed groups. Many families have been forced to flee their homes since the violence of the war broke out in 2014". Click here to read more.

[caption id="attachment_2775" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Iraq Child The U. S. Army (CC BY 2.0)[/caption]

"UNICEF revela que en Irak, un menor de cada cinco está en peligro de resultar herido, ser secuestrado o reclutado como niño soldado. Para evitarlo, muchas familias se han visto obligadas a abandonar su hogar desde que llegó el Estado Islámico en 2014".  Haga clic aquí para leer más.