CCP-Diploma&LicentiateWe are pleased to announce that the Centre for Child Protection (CCP) is launching a new two-year Licentiate (Master) in Safeguarding, which will be offered by the
Pontifical Gregorian University.
Recently approved by the
Congregation for Catholic Education, the licentiate program will begin in Rome in October 2018.
For more information or to apply, please contact Professor K. Demasure (CCP Executive Director) at
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The CCP will also continue to offer the Diploma in Safeguarding of Minors. The next diploma course will run from October to February of academic year 2018/19. Held in Rome at the Pontifical Gregorian University, this intensive one-semester program is the first interdisciplinary course of its kind for those who work in the field of safeguarding minors.
Applications will be accepted until – and no later than – 30 June 2018. For more information, please write to Professor K. Demasure (CCP Executive Director) at
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here to download the brochure.