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10 Things you need to know about the "#ChildDignity in the Digital World" Congress at the Gregorian University

From  3–6 October 2017, the Pontifical Gregorian University will host an important congress that will also be streamed online here and here. In these days leading up to the congress we have been sharing more about the organizations and speakers taking part in order to prepare for the big event. Today we highlight what the venue of the Gregorian brings to the mix and how the location will have an impact on the unfolding of the event. With the congress’s goal of networking leaders in different sectors in order to better protect children online, the Gregorian is in a unique position to facilitate this dialog.

1.     The Gregorian University is culturally diverse and leadership-orientated.

Gregorian University is also called the “University of the Nations” due to the thoroughly international profile it has enjoyed throughout its over 400 year history. It is a tremendously important institution for the leadership of the Church, it has educated 17 Popes and approximately 950 of the bishops who are active right now.

2.     The Gregorian is in Rome.

Did we mention the location? Rome is important not only for the Catholic Church but as a crossroads for culture and a reference point for the history of law and government, and an important base for many NGO’s and educational organizations.

3.     Gregorian University’s Centre for Child Protection (CCP) will be organizing the event.

The CCP has educational expertise in safeguarding minors and offers a diploma course and licentiate on the topic. The Centre also hosts an E- Learning program offered in 5 languages used around the world to teach safeguarding skills, especially to those at the margins. The president of the Centre, Fr. Hans Zollner, is a member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors.

4.     The Congress is the first big event of the Gregorian’s Academic Year.

While in other countries the academic year is already well under way (or even in the southern hemisphere, the second semester), in Italy, school begins in the fall and the first courses of the semester begin on October 2nd.  The university’s choice to host the congress at the start of this same week shows its commitment to the undertaking.

5.      At the Gregorian, communication is key.

Over 40 experts from different countries will be taking part in the congress. With an international staff and conference halls used to voices in many languages, the Gregorian is ready to make sure nothing is lost in translation.

6.     Experience is at the heart of Gregorian pedagogy.

Persons representing sectors as different as theology, healthcare, government, psychology, education, and communications will all be present. One criteria has guided the selection of participants: Experience. A cornerstone of Jesuit pedagogy is learning guided through reflection on personal experience, and the congress seeks to put the experience of the experts at the service of a global solution.

7.     The Holy Father personally appoints the Rector of the Gregorian—

—and Pope Francis will have a special audience at the Vatican for the Child Dignity in the Digital World congress participants! The Holy Father’s dedication to this topic can be seen by the efforts he has undertaken and promoted to make safeguarding minors a first concern of the Church.

8.     The Gregorian is near to the Vatican.

The Vatican’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Piero Parolin; along with Cardinal John Njue and Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, both members of the Congregation for Catholic Education as well as the superior General of the Jesuits, Fr. Aurturo Sosa Abascal SJ, will all also all take part in the congress.

9.     The Greg Café has the best coffee bar in town—

—coffee which has been served to the steering committee of Child Dignity in the Digital World on more than one occasion!  Experts from WeProtect, Telefono Azzurro, Gauly Advisors and the Centre for Child Protection have strategized to bring the experts together and ensure the event is a success.

10.  Information Technology experts of the Gregorian are standing by.

The Gregorian has a great IT team. As we speak they are meeting and testing out the Greg venues and devices to make sure as many as possible can follow online. Click here to join us!