Safeguarding 2.0: Formation and Prevention at the Pontifical Gregorian University
The graduation ceremony for the conclusion of the Diploma Course in Safeguarding of Minors of the Centre for Child Protection (CCP) will take place today at the Pontifical Gregorian University.
At the graduation ceremony, the new two-year Licentiate (Master) in Safeguarding will be presented. In October
2018, it will be offered for the first time by the Pontifical Gregorian University as an interdisciplinary university degree.
In keeping with the educational approach of the CCP, the Licentiate aims at responding to the need expressed by
those who work in the field of safeguarding for thorough theoretical and practical formation. Addressing this manifest need, the CCP hopes that its students, through their participation in its formation programmes, may in turn respond and contribute to a shared commitment to safeguarding, creating a proactive network dedicated to promoting a culture of prevention.
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