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My experience with the CCP Programme

Sexual abuse of minors is a special challenge, different in many of its dimensions from other forms of child maltreatment, crime, and child welfare issues. (Finkelhor, D., 2009, p. 187) therefore prevention of sexual abuse of minors is essential.

Hedofia_webThe initiatives of the Centre for Child Protection (CCP) to prevent child        sexual abuse of minors include the e-learning programme that is accessible to many in different partner countries and cultures. The CCP program is a proactive and visionary initiative in preventing and in helping especially in countries, where disclosure of sexual abuse of minors is minimal.

I benefited from the e-learning programme in Tamale/ Ghana. It has broadened my perspective and my understanding of the problem of sexual abuse that is present in every culture. My level of awareness about sexual abuse increased and I have become sensitive to the issue and started to read about incidents of sexual abuse in the local newspapers whereas I had ignored them before.

The CCP is approaching the safeguarding efforts from different perspectives. One educational strategy CPP that I find to be unique is the approach to get the programme into seminaries and religious formation houses and other institutions of education of the Catholic Church around the world. Through these efforts, we hope to be able to reach more people and to help them to understand the problem. They can become ambassadors and multipliers of education and training in their respective cultures and languages. I encourage Catholic Institutions to embrace the programme and build it into to their curricula since such training will be essential for the protection of minors.

Sr Rejoice Hoedofia

CCP Research Assistant