My experience as an intern at the IADC
Theresa Oesselke from Germany recently completed an internship with the IADC. In today's post, she shares her experience as our first German-speaking intern.
During the four weeks of my internship, I gained more expertise regarding the topics of sexual abuse and safeguarding but also learned a lot didactically and personally. I also became more sensitive to power imbalances in daily life through different practical experiences.
But what made the internship most valuable was getting to know people from different countries. Conversations about sexual abuse and safeguarding in different cultural contexts and about the situation of the church were a huge personal enrichment for me.
Moreover, I continually became aware that each number of a victim represents a person with their own life story. I learned that dealing with the issues of sexual abuse and safeguarding must not just happen academically, but one primarily has to focus on the human person and listen to victims.
My internship at the IADC opened up new perspectives for the time after completing my university degree in theology. It has encouraged me to continue academic studies in canon law and psychology related to the subject of sexual abuse and has also made me consider a future career in the field of safeguarding.
During my whole stay I felt very comfortable at the IADC, and I would have liked to stay longer. I hope to keep in touch with the Institute and return there one day.
Summing up, my internship abroad enriched my professional and personal development. Of course, I also enjoyed the Roman cuisine and la dolce vita. I am very grateful for the opportunity to be one of the IADC's first interns.