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Congo: Training session for the staff of the summer camp 2017 for children in GOMA RDC

We are happy to publish an extract from the report on the training sessions on Child Protection managed and given by Fr Lowrent Kamwaza M.Afr, who had received the training on Safeguarding given in Nairobi in July 2016 by the CCP-Missionaries of Africa Project Manager, Fr. Stéphan Joulain M.Afr. and CCP PhD student Sr Rejoice Hoedoafia, Solt.

“Every year during summer holidays, La Pastorale des Jeunes/Youth Ministry of our Parish Notre Dame d’Afrique at Katoy-Goma RDCongo organizes various holiday activities to over 2000 to 3000 children for over a month. These activities are popularly known us “Colonie des vacances”. This year’s 2017 colonie des vacances was preceded by one week session (17-22 July) to over 150 youths and few adults ministers and the theme was “Former les encadreurs ou encadrer les encadreurs” (Training the supervisors or supervising the supervisors). One formation day has been devoted to the topic of Child Protection with the aim of raising awareness of the many forms of abuses against children”.