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#ChildDignity and the Effects of Porn: Meet Expert Gail Dines

How do you stop porn? "You bring to the table all those who have a vested interest in the well-being of the next generation."

In this quote from her spirited TEDx talk, Prof. Gail Dines summarizes her strategy, which is also the same idea behind "Child Dignity in the Digital World", namely: Get the experts from different sectors to talk to each other! She emphasizes that beyond any question of whether or not online child abuse is a moral problem, it is a current public health crisis. She sees education as a powerful force for change.

We invite those preparing with us for the upcoming congress to take a moment to listen to Prof. Gail Dines' TEDx talk. She will be speaking on, "The Porn Culture: Its Effect On Society, Including Violence Against Women Hypersexualization Of The Culture And Its Effects On Children".  How might her research help mobilize your own efforts in prevention and education?

From the congress website: Prof. Dines has established herself as the world's leading anti-pornography scholar and advocate. She is professor of Sociology and Chair of American Studies at Wheelock College in Boston. She has published many books and articles on topics such as the impact of pornography on children and the hypersexualization of our culture. Dr. Dines is founder and President of Culture Reframed, the first public health non-profit dedicated to building resilience and resistance in children to pornography.