CCP Partners: Collaboration with RUAJ in Spain
I am pleased to be able to share the launch of a new partnership in Spain: through collaboration with Equipo Ruaj, a team of religious and lay professionals, and priests that offers formation and spiritual and pastoral accompaniment, a training course will be offered for the prevention of sexual abuse of minors, through the creation of a course that will include didactic units of the CCP e-learning program.
The agreement, signed before the summer, was made possible by the availability and enthusiasm of Sr Covadonga Orejas CCV, which belongs to the Congregation of Hermanas Carmelitas de la Caridad de Vedruna (Carmelite Sisters of Charity of Vedruna), a religious congregation of apostolic life present in many countries on four continents.
The initiative is also made possible by the Centro Vedruna in Valladolid, about 200 km from Madrid, which will host some of the activities in attendance.
With this promising collaboration we trust to be able to offer a formation that will give the participants, and pastoral workers connected to both the Congregation and the Equipo Ruaj, the tools to put in place effective safeguarding actions, contributing to promoting a culture of prevention and a safer world for the little ones.
To Sr Cova, to the Vedruna Province of Europe and to the Equipo Ruaj, our most sincere gratitude for having become our fellow travelers, in our commitment to the prevention of abuse and the protection of minors.