CCP Alumnus Gottfried Ugolini: Diocese of Trento - The Church's Commitment to Prevention and the Protection of Minors
An evening of information on the topic of prevention of sexual abuse was held on Thursday 3 May in Trento, attended by 140 people coming from all corners of the diocese. Educators, young priests, parish priests, religious, seminarians and university students met to begin a process of reflection and formation on the theme, “The Church's commitment to the prevention and protection of minors. Information, training and guidelines.”
The meeting, promoted by Service for Pastoral Care for Youth (Servizio per la pastorale giovanile) and by the Catechetical Service (Servizio per la catechesi), was introduced by Don Marco Saiani, Vicar General and President of the Association of Orators, Trento; who recalled how in every educational activity in the parish, “above the doing and organizing projects and events these values must always be safeguarded: relationships, the sharing of programs, the communion of intent, never considering the youth never as consumers but always as children of God, acting as protagonists of their growth”. (Cf. “The Laboratory of Talents”, Pastoral note on the value and mission of the speakers, CEI).
The presentation of the theme was entrusted to Fr. Gottfried Ugolini, priest of the diocese of Bolzano-Bressanone, psychologist, head of the specialist service for the protection and prevention of minors in the diocese of Bolzano-Bressanone. “The protection of minors is an integral part of our educational and pastoral role in the light of the Christian mission and life.” Don Ugolini noted: “It takes courage to face and break the taboo of sexual abuse that has been denied for too long, relativized and marginalized also in our ecclesial and social environments.”
This competent and thorough proposal has initiated the Diocese of Trento on the path of promoting attention for the well-being of minors.